Friday, September 13, 2013

I Really Should Post More

Good Evening!

Wow, has it really been that long since I last posted? I really need to set a calender reminder... hold on.....

So, we have tons to talk about. First and foremost: Wonka. The tech week was amazing. Hectic, but amazing. Quite a few people didn't know their cues and lines, but that was remedied quickly. We had 5 shows, and they all went wonderfully!

Next: My summer vacation. I started in Texas, going to my Uncle's graduation/promotion in the army. We then spent some time in San Antonio with some other friends.
Then, Europe. We went to London, Vannes in Brittany, Giverny, Versailles, Paris, Switzerland, and Germany. It was utterly sureal.

My new classes include: Comparative Religions, Play Writing, Biology, and another Science class.

I will be in a Musical written by Greg Kotis (writer of Urinetown), called Yeast Nations. (Which deserves a post in itself.)

Well, hopefully, I will be able to post more frequently.


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless   

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Posts That Never Shall Be Singular: The Past Bunch of Days in One Post

A quick note about "Down the Chocolate River and Beyond" (The URL:
I made a slight error. The Golden Ticket Raffle doesn't end until MAY 8th. So, buy fake candy, lots of fake candy!

"So how are you Thomas?" A question I bet a few of you asked yourself at some point. Probably not though. I'm fine, and pumped for "Down the Chocolate River and Beyond" (Which I will shorten to call "Wonka", for the sake of time.) I've already mentioned the being one of the only Stage Hands, I'm also the PROPMASTER! Exciting! Tech week starts Monday, and that means more space for props, people, and other assorted things. But enough about Wonka........... for now.

Actually, now that I think about it, nothing new is happening, except for a new Renaissance class I start tomorrow.

As a quick side note, please leave comments of questions and concerns you nay have about Homeschooling!


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless   

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Busy and Tiring Weekend!

Wow. Has it really been three days? Where do I begin? Ah, yes, Friday. Let's start with a fun Cryptozoology class, with many of my friends. Fast-forward an hour or so, and, Welcome to Country Day School, where we learned about South Africa, ate native foods, and played a game of Jeopardy. After, a group of us went to Barnes n' Noble, where I purchased the most recent book from one of my favorite kids series (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III), as well as a Sonic Screwdriver, from the BBC series "Doctor Who", which I am enjoying having, thank you very much.
Saturday, wake up late, and go to a Cherry Blossom Park, wander, run, enjoy.
Sunday, do yard work, realize we have a cherry tree in our front yard, look at a Doe that suddenly appears in our backyard, and pre-plan a garden. During the evening, ride bikes down in a park, and come home covered in hives (which I still haven't figured the origin of). All in all, a pretty good weekend.


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless   

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Nice, the Mean, and the Spitballs

Today was my Improvisation/Songwriting Class, as well as the first class of our Applied Psychology course for the Spring Semester. In the Improvisation class, we did a variety of games which helped to expand our knowledge of rhythm, bridges, and song endings, as well as sound projection. We then did scenes where we were split into groups, and each person was given an age to emulate. We mimed a scene where we were waiting for, boarding, and riding a bus.We then had the other team guess our age, and redid the scene. However, we could talk, and if the teacher's assistant (son) froze us, he could have us do a song to the music he picked out. Then, the other team did the same. After that, we all had pizza, mingled, and joked. My sister and I then went downtown to our Applied Psychology class. We did a few things. The first was walking around the area. The teacher then sat us down, and asked us questions such as: 'How many kids were doing crafts?", "How many adults were there?", "How many knives in the mural?", and "How many tables were there?". He had us get back up, and walk around again. He told us to spot out who we thought was the kindest person, and who was the meanest. We did that, and told the kindest what we thought. We watched their reaction. We did the same for someone random, but said we thought they were the meanest. In the end, we all had loads of fun, and I definitely learned a lot.


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless   

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Down the Chocolate River and Beyond!

A good friend of mine has organized a production of a familiar Insane Chocolate and Candy Maker, (Whose name I can't use due to Copyright reasons). Unfortunately, the Golden Ticket Raffle is over, but you can still follow his blog to find out when you can buy tickets. It is completely run by Homeschoolers. The Blog is: Please support this effort, and come see the production! (I'll be in the stage crew for it!)


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless   

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A day of Action, Adventure, and Pizza

Good Afternoon!

Today was the first session of Wayfinders, a fantasy/sword fighting LARP group. We started with some simple introduction games (tag, throwing a "knife" at someone while saying their name, I think you get the idea.) Then, we played an intense 30 minutes of Capture the Flag: Sword Fighting Style! We basically ran around, trying to defend our flag and capture the other team's flag, while hitting each other with swords (All the swords were foam and Play-Safe.) Once you were hit, you were dead......... for 30 seconds. Then you got up, held your sword over your head, and walked/ran back to your flag circle to regenerate. Oh, and you MUST make your death Theatrical, Loud, and Fun! After that, I grabbed a slice of Pizza with friends, and headed on my way!


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless   

Monday, April 15, 2013

Shakespeare,Wonka, and Writing: Oh My!

After a tiring dance there is only one thing to do the day after: Drive Upstate with some other Homeschooling friends to watch two of your friends perform in a reciting of Shakespearean Monologues. (Which, by the way was fantastically done and very fun!) Then fast-forward to today's afternoon. a few minutes watching people practice a production of Wonka, (Gene Wilder version, sorry Depp fans), where I'm a stage hand.  And end now, where I've recently finished a session of a Writers Workshop, where I read a piece of writing I've been working on for over a year. Yeesh, what an exciting time!


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless   

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Anticipation! (The Good Kind)

Good Morning!

Last night's Homeschooling Spring Fling Swing Thing was loads of fun! I danced, talked, laughed, and sang. However, I am sore all over now from that.
I am excited to go see one of my Homeschooling friends perform in a Shakespeare performance. What will happen is that every person in that group will recite two Shakespearean monologues. I can't wait!


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless   

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring Fling Swing Thing

Tonight is the Homeschooling Spring Dance, the Spring Fling Swing Thing! Everybody will be Swinging (as in the dance/music genre) and Mingling to break in the new Spring Feeling! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless   

Friday, April 12, 2013

Hello All!

Hello people of the Internet!

Welcome to my Homeschooling blog. Here, I will post the different activities that I attend and do during the week while being Homeschooling, as well as interesting articles. Contrary to popular belief, us Homeschooling bunch in New York City are VERY social. We have classes with different students, and every student has certain close and other friends. We even have dances, parties, and picnics! Please feel free to send me any questions about homeschooling that you might have. Use the "Ask Me!" button on the right side of the page


"The only thing in the way of my learning is my education" - Falsely Attributed to Albert Einstein, But Good Nonetheless